Meme snapshot XD

Meme snapshot XD

[25.12] Release: 10 new meme decks & gameplan info.

Christmas is finally here, which means it’s the last day of 25 days of Gwentmas and with it we want to share with you 10 interesting meme decks. Some of those piles can win, most of them can lose but Gwent is not only about winning, it’s also about fun. Those decks are pure fun, pure enjoyment and pure, pure, pure freshness.

If you are tired of meta or you just want to surprise your opponent, then this snapshot is what you need in your life. We also want to thank you, patrons, readers, viewers, supporters for staying with us and being there. Merry Christmas and amazing New Year everyone. We love you ❤️

We hope you will have fun with the meme meta and we will see you on the ladder!

Remember to also check our main meta snapshot.

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Tier You can still win

This is it, the grossest of the gross. The lowest of the low. The Kellyest of the Kellys. Not one, not two, but three Kellys revived with Witches’ Sabbath.

Some of us just want to watch the world burn. And luckily, there’s a deck specifically built for that. This deck doesn’t promise to be the most competitive of decks (it’s a meme snapshot after all), but you can win a surprising amount of games just by setting up sabbath in r1 before bleeding your opponent dry in r2.


For r1, keep 1 consume in hand, and access to Kelly, Defender, Arachas Queen, and ideally Abaya. Sequencing is straightforward. You just get Kelly setup safely ASAP, which wins r1.
In r2, you want to use Squirrel to remove a card from your opponent’s grave which seems threatening. Then, depending on the length of the round, you can either go for the 2-0, or just pass to long r3, which is generally safer.
In r3, you will want to use Witches’ Sabbath to resurrect up to 3 Kellys from your graveyard. Sometimes you can only get 2 with a defender. That’s not the end of the world. Use your boost/damage cards to control the board and keep your Kellys alive. Triangle Within A Triangle is a fun way to buff a Kelly by 13.

In GG screen: always click GG, as you just made your opponent suffer through facing more Kellys than one should ever need to.

Deck of dwarves with the addition of a single elf-Filavandrel. There is no previously popular connection between Filavandrel and the Isengrim’s Council. We strengthen Filavandrel in the deck with an Offering. The Offering is a good card that helps in long rounds to deal with the opponent’s engines such as Fire Scorpions, Helge, or some Harmony engines. We also have very undervalued dwarf cards like Barclay Els, which plays very strongly with good spam. And Dennis Cranmer, who can make more than 20 stats for 7 provisions.


The main plan is to win the first round with the help of bronze cards: through spam and use the Mahakam Guard, or play engines such as Berserkers, Dwarven Chariot, and Miners to replenish armor and play Cranmer. Usually, we play the second round, the opponent’s bleeding at the expense of such cards as Zoltan’s Company (which gives us the opportunity to quickly spam) Brouver Hoog (which necessarily requires control from the opponent) Zoltans, as Zoltan: Warrior, to increase aggression on the table, and Zoltan for 9 for carryovers for round 3. And a Garrison that will remain an important carryover for round 3. The main feature is that even after giving away the main cards on the bleeding, you have a chance to win in the 3rd with the help of an enhanced Filavandrel (didn’t you buff him earlier?) Having kept your carryover for a short round 3 and played Filavandrel in the melee row, you will already have 20 stats (and if you have a Garrison, then all 25 stats on more if you have any cards left to create rowdy dwarves) and a good dwarves spam, and seemingly weak cards for a short round, such as the Mahakam Guard and Zoltan: Scoundrel will play strong.

Handbuff, some people call it competitive, some call it viable, and we call it a meme. If you are a solitaire enjoyer, then this pile is built for you. Setting up your low-tempo cards to get more payoff in later stages of the game is what the deck is all about.


Use two leader charges, buff all units except Torque, then use Farseer on him, then set up your engines and try to win the round. After winning the round go for long round 3 to secure the last say because this deck is struggling against hard removals.


We all know Monsters can swarm their side of the board, they even have a leader that helps you swarming yourself, but how about swarming your opponent’s side of the board and making him not being able to play his units? This decks is definitely worth a try, when the combo works it’s super enjoyable to watch.


The game plan is simple, push round one with good deathwish tempo plays like Brewess: Ritual or Scenario, even Dettlaff Higher Vampire. Keep your Noonwraiths, your Weavess, and Operator for round 3. Skip round 2. Set up Weavess, then play and consume as many Noonwraitsh as possible, and finish the game with a big Glustyworp.

You activated my trap card, this is what the deck is all about. You might often see your opponent getting mad or quitting the game because it’s all about frustration in guessing correct traps at the exact moment but also it’s all about denying his control tools because your board often stays empty except for some artifacts.


Try to win round one with elves, then go for long round 3, get noninteractive value by having no units on the board, then finish the game with Eldain.

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Strategy is simple: play Viy, eat Viy immediately, repeat. Slam big points and show your opponent how huge is your worm. Don’t get heatwaved, just make sure you always have consume for your Viy.


We want you volunteers, we want you all. This deck is based on spamming as many tokens as possible and then boosting them up with tools like Meve or Bone Talisman, even Triss: Telekinesis into another Talisman or more Volunteers.


The game plan is simple, just set up as many units as possible and play your buffs, and finish the game with huge Scythemen. Just spawn and buff.

Have you ever been to a casino? This deck will make you feel like you are in one of them. Pure randomness times twice thanks to amazing card Lippy Gudmund. This pile is all about random things that can surprise your opponent or even you.


For round one, you want to have a bad hand with as many bronzes as possible, but you also want to have access to Troll Porter and Snowdrop. Then you want to setup Snowdrop and play Troll Porter banishing all bad cards from the game and drawing lots of random cards for you. After that, you just start your show with highroll into highroll. But remember, it’s a casino, you can highroll, but there is also a big chance to lowroll

We all like milling oponent cards, but how about milling your cards just to show superiority over mr opponent? This deck has all you need to thin to negative value. Just play your tutors into tutors into tutors and mill yourself.

Don’t touch me is a deck build around shields and denying removal value from your opponent. Just make your opponent mad, when he will be wasting his 5th raid card into your shields, then overload him with your engines.


There is no gameplay, just secure your engines and try to get no unit value.


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